WEBINAR: Email Lead Generation

WEBINAR: Email Lead Generation

Tuesday, June 16th, 5 PMWe have prepared very practical webinar on how to generate more leads via cold emailing. We will cover how to set up a healthy domain, how to warm up your account, how to write emails that people will open and respond and the software needed to...
STARTAP SAVJETI: Tips for Sales and Selling

STARTAP SAVJETI: Tips for Sales and Selling

Savjet br. 1: Ko prodaje u vašoj kompaniji? Ovo se čini kao očigledno pitanje. Većina ljudi, i vi vjerovatno, prvo pomisle da je to prodajni tim, zatim marketing ili CEO. Međutim, o prodaji mora da se razmišlja u mnogo širem smislu.Prodaju takođe vodi i tim za...